SQL Server

Processing and Storing Data in SQL Server 2005 : Data Migration from One Data Store to Another Data Store

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At times you might need to monitor for data that has been stored in SQL Server. Sometimes data needs to be migrated from one place to another. If you need to transfer data from a database server to a back-end database server, you have several options. One way is to have your service monitor for the data and then query the records, create a file with the data, and wait for another application to pick that file up and process it. Another way is to have your service not only pick up the data, but also process the data. I have already covered submitting data to SQL Server, but now let’s create an example of monitoring SQL Server for data to send to a simulated back-end server.

The goal should always be to try and optimize your service’s interactions with the system and your data. In this case, because you are monitoring a database table for data, it doesn’t make sense to have more than one thread for this—you have to synchronize your data reads as well as remember what data you have already queried.

Suppose you have a database table full of customer data from a Web site. You want to move this data to your mainframe. You have many options, including using Host Integration Server or other transport layers. A service is a fairly robust and simplistic solution. However, if you are copying records from the table into a flat file or XML format for your mainframe or other back-end server, you have to be able to keep track of records you have already copied. You could have a shadow table in the database where you copy records and they will be deleted when the transaction is complete. Another solution is to have a bit field in the database table that specifies whether the data has been copied out. For our example we will use a simple query method to grab the data and write it to our flat file. We will not be concerned in this section with grabbing duplicate data.

Creating the Back-End Data Store

In this section we’ll create a duplicate of the original Users table. However, we will do so by creating a secondary database called BackEnd.

In Microsoft SQL Server, create a secondary database and name it BackEnd.

Next you want to create a table called Users, using the exact structure with which you created the original Users table in our Tutorials database, as well as the SaveUser stored procedure. The only difference between the original and new configurations should be the name of the database.

Creating a New Connection String

Now that we have our data store, we need to create a new connection string to use with our current Users.dbml. Because these are identical objects we can reuse the current implementation. We do, however, need to distinguish the underlying UserDataContext object to connect to the appropriate data store.

On the Properties tab of the service, select Settings. You will see our current TutorialsConnectionString. Add a new settings entry called BackEndConnectionString. Set the type to Connection String, set the level to Application, and then copy the TutorialsConnectionString value into our new entry. Change the database name in the copied value from Tutorials to BackEnd and close the Properties window. Save the service.

Updating the LINQSQL Class Connectionstring

Now that we have a new connection string we need to update our LINQSQL class, which is currently set to only use the default connection string. To do this, we add a data member of type UsersDataContext and then modify our constructor to accept the connection string. Listing 1 shows the modified LINQSQL class.

Listing 1. Updating the LINQSQL class and constructor.
Public Class LINQSQL
Private m_UDC As UsersDataContext

Public Sub New(ByVal ConnectionString As String)
m_UDC = New UsersDataContext(ConnectionString)
End Sub

Now that we have our new data member, we have to update our methods to use that new data member instead of the local variable instance we’ve been using.

Updating InsertRecord Implementations

For both <InsertRecord> implementations we want to update the code to use the class data member instance. This step enhances our code because now it will not need to initialize a new instance on each call. Listing 2 shows the new implementation of the code.

Listing 2. The new <InsertRecord> implementations.
Public Function InsertRecord( _
ByVal First As String, _
ByVal Last As String, _
ByVal Address1 As String, _
ByVal Address2 As String, _
ByVal City As String, _
ByVal State As String, _
ByVal Zip As String, _
ByVal phone As String, _
ByVal UserID As Guid _
) As Boolean
Dim newuser As User = New User()

newuser.UserID = UserID
newuser.FirstName = First
newuser.LastName = Last
newuser.Address1 = Address1
newuser.Address2 = Address2
newuser.City = City
newuser.State = State
newuser.Zipcode = Zip
newuser.Phone = phone


Return True
Catch sqlex As SqlClient.SqlException
If sqlex.Number = 2627 Then
'It was a duplicate.
Return True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function

Public Function InsertRecord(ByVal pszRecord As String) As Boolean
Dim pszQuery As String = Nothing
Dim pszVars() As String = Split(pszRecord, ",")
Dim newuser As User = New User()

newuser.FirstName = pszVars(0)
newuser.LastName = pszVars(1)
newuser.Address1 = pszVars(2)
newuser.Address2 = pszVars(3)
newuser.City = pszVars(4)
newuser.State = pszVars(5)
newuser.Zipcode = pszVars(6)
newuser.Phone = pszVars(7)
newuser.UserID = Guid.NewGuid()


Return True
Catch sqlex As SqlClient.SqlException
If sqlex.Number = 2627 Then
'It was a duplicate.
Return True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function

These changes are important because we will now connect to a secondary database implementation that uses the same format as our source database.

Implementing a Dispose Method for the LINQSQL Class

Now that we are using a class member, we want to make sure we can also clean it up, so we add the method shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Implementing the <Dispose> method.
Public Sub Dispose()
Catch ex As Exception
m_UDC = Nothing
End Try
End Sub

We will need to also update any instance of this object created in any external code to call this method. In our case, we will want to call this in our FileWorker class.

Updating the <FileWorker.ProcessFiles> Method

Now that we are required to pass in the connection string, we need to update the <ProcessFiles> method to reflect this change, as shown in Listing 4.

Listing 4. Updating the call to <InsertRecord> from <ProcessFiles>.
Private Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim LinqSql As LINQSQL = New LINQSQL(My.Settings.TutorialsConnectionString)

While Not m_ThreadAction.StopThread
If Not m_ThreadAction.Pause Then
For Each TextFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( _
m_FileWorkerOptions.Output, _
FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, _
If m_ThreadAction.Pause Or m_ThreadAction.StopThread Then
Exit For
End If
Dim tmpGuid As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

Dim ProcessFile As String =
m_FileWorkerOptions.ProcessedPath _
+ "\" + tmpGuid + "_" +

'File is moved so lets read it out of the Output Folder
If (Me.MailEnabled) Then
Dim message As String
message = "Processing File Data:[" + _
+ _"]] From File - "
Catch ex As Exception
message = "Unable to read from file - "
End Try
'Send the Email and then move it again to the processed Folder
m_FileWorkerOptions.EmailProperties.Message = message
End If
Dim records As StreamReader = _
Dim record As String
record = records.ReadLine()
While (Not record Is Nothing)
Dim insert As Boolean =

If Not insert Then
'Save it
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( _
New WaitCallback(AddressOf ProcessFailures), record)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Save it
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( _
New WaitCallback(AddressOf ProcessFailures),
record + "-" + ex.ToString)
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadIOError + "_" +
ex.ToString _
+ "_" + Now.ToString, THREAD_ERROR, EventLogEntryType.
Error, _
End Try

record = records.ReadLine
End While

My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(TextFile, ProcessFile,
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadMessage + _
TextFile, THREAD_INFO, EventLogEntryType.Information, _
Catch ex As Exception
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadErrorMessage + _
"_" + ex.ToString + "_" + Now.ToString, THREAD_ERROR, _
EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
End Try
Catch fio As IOException
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadIOError + "_" + fio.ToString _
+ "_" + Now.ToString, THREAD_ABORT_ERROR, _
EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
Catch tab As ThreadAbortException
'this must be listed first as Exception is the master catch
'Clean up thread here
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadAbortMessage + "_" _
+ tab.ToString + "_" + Now.ToString, THREAD_ABORT_ERROR, _
EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
Catch ex As Exception
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadErrorMessage + "_" + _
ex.ToString + "_" + Now.ToString, THREAD_ERROR, _
EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
End Try
End If
If Not m_ThreadAction.StopThread Then
End If
End While
End Sub

I’m updating this method because in this demonstration we want to emulate a situation in which newly created records are being inserted into a source database and then migrated to our back-end data store.

Creating a New <ProcessRecords> Method

At this point we can insert records into our source database; now we need to add a method that can then process these records by moving them to our back-end store. Of course in this example we could simply add the same record to our primary and back-end stores. If the situation called for it—if we were to get in a single record with a multi-destination requirement—that solution makes sense. But in our case, we want to show a migration of the data. We are emulating a circumstance in which the record may already exist, or going directly from the source to the destination is not possible. Listing 5 shows the new <ProcessRecords> method.

Listing 5. Updated <ProcessRecords> with support for data migration.
Private Sub ProcessRecords()
While Not (m_ThreadAction.StopThread)
If Not (m_ThreadAction.Pause) Then
Dim source As LINQSQL = New _

Dim destination As LINQSQL = New _

Dim AllUsers() As User = source.GetUsers

For Each user In AllUsers
destination.InsertRecord(user.FirstName, user.LastName, _
user.Address1, user.Address2, user.City, user.State, _
user.Zipcode, user.Phone, user.UserID)
Catch ex As Exception
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadErrorMessage + ex.ToString, _
THREAD_ERROR, EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
End Try

Catch ex As Exception
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ThreadErrorMessage + ex.ToString, _
THREAD_ERROR, EventLogEntryType.Error, My.Resources.Source)
End Try
End If
If Not m_ThreadAction.StopThread Then
End If
End While
End Sub

As with other methods, we are going to loop, looking for new records to migrate, while also validating whether we are supposed to return or pause.

We are also creating two instances of our LINQSQL class, one for each data store we are connecting to. Our source instance is where we will query our records from, and our destination is where we will migrate to.

Note two things about this new method:

  • We are using our source instance to query the records and then looping through the current users. This is a new method, which I will demonstrate shortly.

  • I am looping through all the instances of the source and then calling the <InsertRecord> method on the destination.

Now that we have our ProcessRecords method, I need to show the changes to the LINQSQL class so that we can return the records we need to query from our source.

Updating the FileWorker Class

We need to add thread support for the new method in Listing 7-18. We need to add a new thread definition to our FileWorker class, a new property that we will use to expose this new thread to the service, and an update to the <Start> method, as in the code in Listing 6.

Listing 6. Updated FileWorker class with <CopyRecords> method thread support.
Private m_CopyRecords As Thread = Nothing

Public Sub Start()
m_Incoming = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessIncoming)
m_Incoming.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
m_Incoming.IsBackground = True

m_Outgoing = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessFiles)
m_Outgoing.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
m_Outgoing.IsBackground = True

m_CopyRecords = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessRecords)
m_CopyRecords.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
m_CopyRecords.IsBackground = True
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property CopyRecords() As Thread
Return m_CopyRecords
End Get
End Property

Each piece of code in Listing 6 reflects a change to the current FileWorker implementation. The <Start> method has been updated to utilize the newly created m_CopyThreads thread variable to run an instance of the <CopyRecords> method.

With the changes in Listing 6, we need to make an update to the Tutorials.vb class to clean up the newly created FileWorker thread.

Listing 7 shows the updates to the <Tutorials.OnStop> method.

Listing 7. Updated Tutorials.vb <OnStop> with FileWorker CopyRecords thread cleanup support.
Protected Overrides Sub OnStop()
' Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service.
If (Not m_WorkerThread Is Nothing) Then
WriteLogEvent(My.Resources.ServiceStopping, ONSTOP_INFO, _
EventLogEntryType.Information, My.Resources.Source)

m_ThreadAction.StopThread = True

For Each fw As FileWorker In m_WorkerThreads


Catch ex As Exception
m_WorkerThread = Nothing
End Try
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'We Catch the Exception
'to avoid any unhandled errors
'since we are stopping and
'logging an event is what failed
'we will merely write the output
'to the debug window
m_WorkerThread = Nothing
Debug.WriteLine("Error stopping service: " + ex.ToString())
End Try
End Sub

The updated code shuts down the CopyRecords thread gracefully when a request to shut down the service is generated by the system or a user.

Creating the New <LINQSQL.GetUsers> Method

We need to be able to easily query our source records in a reusable manner. For this reason I have implemented the code shown in Listing 8.

Listing 8. <GetUsers> data-retrieval implementation.
Public Function GetUsers() As User()
Dim AllUsers = (From ausers In m_UDC.Users Select ausers).ToArray

Return AllUsers
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function

Understanding LINQ syntax will help clarify the point of this query. LINQ, which is designed for generic source data retrieval, supports a syntax similar to T-SQL. However, note that the order of the query and the keywords are reversed.

Another important thing to note is that by default you don’t define the object type you are querying in your declaration. Nor do you define an array collection. Instead, you query the records into a variable instance and then use a For Each loop to iterate through the enumeration that is created for you automatically. However, in this case I want the iteration to occur in the calling method and not from the source method. To make this work, I tell the LINQ generator that I want to create an Array by wrapping the query, which occurs when the line is encountered, in a ToArray cast. This allows me to pass an array of User types back to the caller, where I am iterating through the collection as defined in the <ProcessRecords> method.

Install and Verify

Compile and install the service. Remember to place some records in your incoming folder if you don’t have any records in your source database.


You will actually be inserting the same records over and over into your destination data store.

One way to resolve duplicating records is to place a unique primary key constraint on your destination table preventing insertion of duplicate records based on that key. The uniqueness should be based on a combination of columns you choose, such as First, Last, and Address.

The flaw in this solution is that even though we won’t get any duplicates, our query will always pull back every record in our source table. The more records that we return, the more processing time it will take and the more resources over time are needed to pull back all the unprocessed and already processed records.

Other -----------------
- Processing and Storing Data in SQL Server 2005 : Implementing the Record Failure Code
- Processing and Storing Data in SQL Server 2005 : Data Tracking Validation
- Processing and Storing Data in SQL Server 2005 : Updating the FileWorker Class
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